all at an attractively low price. To reach these objectives, innovation was
necessary. For example, the conical shape of the decoupling sleeves was chosen to achieve
structural rigidity, good decoupling via a wide mouth diameter, and a simple means for
clamping the sleeve to the mast. These mechanical advantages, combined with certain
electrical properties of noncylindrical sleeves have led AEA to obtain patent protection
for this design.
The IsoPole is designed to be mounted atop a metallic pipe or mast. The base of the
upper element of the antenna contains an insulating section of Delrin?and metal sleeve to
slip over the top of the mast. The coaxial connector is located within this sleeve,
allowing the coaxial cable (usually RG 8/U) to be brought up inside the mast. The RF
connection to the antenna is therefore completely out of the weather. The insulating
section houses the L-C tuner, which is pre-adjusted at the factory to provide low SWR over
the entire band. The L-C tuner compensates for the slight impedance mismatch introduced by
the common (VHF) female SO-239 connector used. For best results, the user should employ a
BNC or type N fitting at the transceiver end of the RG 8/U cable.
While hardly necessary, the user of the antenna, if he so desires, can tune the IsoPole
to a specific frequency using an SWR bridge. This is done by lengthening or shortening the
upper element (which is constructed of two telescoping sections) for minimum SWR and
making a corresponding adjustment of the distance between the feed point and the mouth of
the upper decoupling sleeve.
End-driven twin-5/8 antenna
with no decoupling |
Other twin-5/8 antennas
Some manufacturers offer twin-5/8 antennas which are driven at the lower extremity, as
shown in Figure 10. A phasing section is used at a point 5/8ths wavelength down from the
tip in order to obtain the desired current distribution. The coaxial connector for the
feed line, the matching network, the base insulator, and the hardware for mounting the
antenna atop a mast are all located at the lower extremity. Antennas of this design have
absolutely no decoupling. The same current entering the base of the antenna must
spill-over the mast (if metallic) and the outside of the coaxial line. Currents on the
mast and coaxial line radiate and create fields which combine with those radiated from the
antenna. The resulting radiation pattern is virtually unpredictable, and varies with every
installation. Figure 11 shows a superimposition of two radiation patterns, one for an AEA
IsoPole , and the other for a non-decoupled twin-5/8 antenna as supplied by its
manufacturer. These patterns were measured on an antenna pattern range at a nearby
university, using high standards of antenna engineering practice. The patterns were
measured in such a way that the effect of the presence of the earth on the two antennas
was identical. In each case, a length of 8-1/2 feet of coaxial cable was mounted so as to
extend beyond the bottom extremity of the antenna in a straight line. Radiation patterns
were recorded in dB on a linear chart recorder, and transferred carefully to polar plots
showing relative radiated power vs. vertical angle, to simplify interpretation of the
results. Note that the main lobe of the
Radiation patterns of AEA IsoPole compared to that of
non-decoupled twin-5/8 antenna |
IsoPole is centered on the horizon, while the main lobe of the nondecoupled antenna is
tilted upward, with a corresponding loss of power in the direction of the horizon. This
effect was produced by radiation from the currents spilling out on the 8-1/2 feet of
coaxial cable. Longer cable runs could be expected to produce much more serious
degradation of the radiation pattern, in the form of many sharp lobes caused by the
"long-wire" radiation from the feed line phasing in and out with respect to the
radiation from the antenna. While there would be a finite chance that radiation from the
feed line might combine fortuitously with that from the antenna to create a net gain, this
result is improbable. The loss of performance of the nondecoupled antenna will vary with
each installation, and can easily be in the range of 3 to 6 dB below its well decoupled
Simple RF detector |
How to make an RF detector
A simple series circuit consisting of a loop of wire, a pilot light and a tuning
capacitor, makes an inexpensive and highly effective detector of antenna currents and the
spill-over effect.
Figure 12 shows a typical detector, using a square loop of wire 2 inches on a side. A
No. 49, 2 volt, 60 mA Pilot light should be used in order to obtain enough sensitivity for
good results with as little as 10 watts of transmitter power. The variable capacitor can
be a compression-mica, air dielectric, ceramic, or tubular plastic variety. A dielectric
handle of wood or plastic should be glued to the loop in order to prevent the user's hand
from detuning the detector or the antenna.
To tune the detector, bring the loop up close to the antenna while the transmitter is
on, with the plane of the loop. Adjust the capacitor with an insulated tuning tool to
obtain maximum brightness of the lamp. You may have to back the loop away from the wire to
avoid burning out the lamp during tuning. With the suggested capacitor, the loop should be
able to tune to any frequency between 140 and 230 MHz.