trip and waypoint management functions of this product work with
nearly all GARMIN GPS units, excluding the GPS100 family and panel
mount aviation units. The map download feature of this product
is recommended for use with the GPS III Plus, NavTalk, GPS 12MAP,
and GPSMAP 162/168.
The MapSource
Roads & Recreation Italy CD-ROM includes trip and waypoint management
functions that allow you to transfer waypoints, routes, and tracks
between your PC and nearly all GARMIN GPS units. Roads & Recreation
Italy contains motorways, national and regional thoroughfares,
roundabouts, railroads, and local roads in many areas. Displays
points of interest, such as shopping, restaurants, lodging, entertainment
and emergency services. Also provides shoreline detail of lakes,
rivers, streams and canals. With a map download-compatible GARMIN
GPS, simply transfer maps from the PC to your compatible GPS unit.
GARMIN list price: $116.65