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010-11092-20 - 無線傳輸尋寶信標 Chirp        
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chirp 是一種小型, 長效達一年的無線信標裝置, 特別設計給戶外 (防水) 探險及尋寶活動用 geocaching. 若您要將東西藏某個地方, 而它的位置光是用 GPS 座標 (15 公尺誤差內) 也難以找到的地方, Chirp 有密碼保護的,  這就是方案了
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geocaching. 若您要將東西藏某個地方, 而它的位置光是用 GPS 座標 (15 公尺誤差內) 也難以找到的地方, Chirp 有密碼保護的,  這就是方案了 ">

chirp detection screen (on an Oregon)

Trip computer screen showing chirp detection indication on dashboard (on an Oregon)

chirp can be programmed by any compatible wireless-enabled Garmin handheld to store geocaching hints and other information. When other geocachers arrive near your cache, they’ll be alerted that the cache is nearby, and then they’ll be able to access the hints you’ve loaded into chirp. And when you return, chirp will tell you how many visitors have been to your cache.

Set Up a Multicache

With chirp, setting up and maintaining a multicache has never been easier. Using your compatible Garmin handheld device, chirp automatically transmits program coordinates so other cachers can find each stage of your multicache. Or if you’re on a multicache, chirp lets you download coordinates. So there’s no need to manually enter numerous sets of complex coordinates – there’s just one simple touch and you’re on your way to the next stage.

Built To Cache — Built to Last

chirp was designed by geocachers, so it’s built to take the rigors of the outdoors. Plus, chirp is password protected, so you’re the only one with programming powers. chirp has a battery life of up to a year and the battery is easy to replace, plus chirp features a cache-perfect, small size and is durable and waterproof.
