MFJ : MFJ-1622  40/30/20/17/15/12/10/6/2Meter  
MFJ-1622 Apartment Antenna (公寓天線) 覆蓋 40 至 2 Meters 波段, 專為安裝於窗戶之外.
The MFJ-1622 Apartment Antenna covers 40 through 2 Meters, mounts outdoor to windows, balconies, railings, and works great indoors mounted to desks, tables, and bookshelves!

This Apartment Antenna lets you operate 40 through 10 Meters on HF and 6 and 2 Meters on VHF with a single antenna! Its universal mount/clamp lets you easily attach it to window frames, balconies, and railings. It also works great indoors mounted to a desk, table, or bookshelf. Its not a five element yagi, but youll work your share of exciting DX!

The highly-efficient air wound bug catcher loading coil and telescoping 5 1/2 foot radiator lets you really get out! The radiator collapses to 2 1/2 feet for easy storage and carrying.

It includes coax RF choke balun, coax feed line, counterpoise wire and safety rope. The operating frequency is adjusted by moving the wander lead on the coil and adjusting the counterpoise for the best SWR

可在 找到相關資訊. 固定在陽台的欄杆或是窗戶的框架上是典型的方式, 但也有其它的架設方式, 包括車輛.

要享用無線電的樂趣, 但又不想大費週章, 或引起不鄰居無理的抗議, 可以考慮 MFJ-1622, 您的鄰居甚至不知道它的存在.

使用鱷魚夾改變電感量的設計, 改變長度就改變不同的波長.

特價: NT$6,500.00 (含 5% 營業稅)