CUSHCRAFT : MA8040V  80 and 40 meters VERTICAL天線  
The Cushcraft MA8040V is a small, portable vertical antenna for 80 and 40 meters. It blends with trees and backyard settings and is self supporting. It is only 23 feet tall and weighs in at less than 9 pounds. It is easily installed by one person and handles 1500 watts PEP SSB. It features low TOA for excellent low band DX performance and achieves low SWR at resonance without external matching. The parallel L/C resonators provide automatic band switching with full-band coverage from 7.0 to 7.3 MHz and adjustable tuning to any 100 kHz segment between 3.5 and 4.0 MHz.

The MA8040V comes with 400 foot of 18 gauge enameled radial wire to construct eight radials. The feedline connection is via supplied solder lugs. The user must supply a stable base support (the MA8040V was designed to drop into a 1.5 inch O.D. thin-wall steel galvanized conduit).
Frequency: 80 and 40 meters
Gain: 0 dBi and 2 dBi
VSWR Minimum: 1.1:1 both bands
Power: 1500 watts PEP
Height: 23-27 Ft. (6.7 m)
Weight: 9 pounds (4.1 kg)
Ground Radials: 8 recommended (4x65 ft and 4x35 ft).
Feedline Connection: Solder lugs

The Cushcraft MA8040V includes 400 feet of 18 gauge wire to construct the radial system. Two configurations are shown above.

The Cushcraft MA8040V feedline connection and radial wire connection are via supplied solder lugs.

特價: NT$9,240.00 (含 5% 營業稅)