DAVIS : 6510-USB  Vantage Vue 軟體含USB界面裝置  
For the ultimate in weather monitoring, add WeatherLink to your Vantage Pro. The WeatherLink data logger fits neatly into the Vantage Pro console, storing your weather data even when the computer is off. Transfer data to your PC whenever you like, then use the WeatherLink software to create graphs, generate summaries, and more.


WeatherLink 系列軟體是 Davis 的各款氣象站台主控台用以連接電腦 (USB 或是序列埠 RS-232) 或網路 (經由 RJ-45 ) 以延展其應用層次. 而與之搭配的連接器除了提供連接的介面以外, 也具有記錄的功能 (Data Logger) 即使在沒有連接電腦的狀態下, 也能儲存記錄一段時間 (視所設定的取樣量, 最長可以達到半年之久), 下圖是 Data Logger 的硬體, 實際物品會因為介面不用, 連接器也會不同.

WeatherLink 除了可以從 Data Logger 下載氣象資料, 形成所需的報表, 存檔, 匯出之外, 它可能自動依客訂的樣本, 自動產生網頁 (html, asp, aspx....)

WeatherLink for Windows Update

可選購的附掛模組: Email / 電話撥號警報功能. 農業作物 / 草皮養護管理模組 , 另有專用作物管理專業模組請來信洽詢.


清境農場傳到 Weather Underground 的即時資訊
清境農場, 清境國民賓館, 青青草原 2010.10 月由潤泰架設的同款式氣象站官網

- Choose a storage interval of 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, or 120 minutes. Store up to six months  worth of data, depending on the chosen storage interval.

- See current conditions at a glance on the instant weather bulletin, or graph data on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

- Generate Weather Watcher reports in National Climatic Data Center (NOAA) format.

- Post weather conditions to your web site and upload other files (such as images from a webcam).

- Enjoy special energy monitoring functions including heating and cooling degree days, and solar energy in Langleys.

- Use data to estimate sunburn risk for each skin type based on current UV index.

- Special agricultural and turf management functions include evapotranspiration, growing degree-days, temperature-humidity hours, leaf wetness and soil temperature hours.

Some functions require the use of optional sensors.

Includes software on a CD-Rom disk and data logger with 2.4 m cable. Requires a computer running Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT 4.0 or XP with at least 5MB free hard disk space, 4MB RAM, and one free serial or USB port. (Choose below)

特價: NT$11,800.00 (含 5% 營業稅)