DAVIS : 7654  Davis Solar Powered Long-Range  
Davis Instruments 7654 & 7653
Vantage Pro2 Wireless Long Range Repeaters

For those who wish to send weather data much farther than 300 m, Davis Instruments Wireless Long Range Repeaters can extend the range up to two miles (3.2 km)! Each Long Range Repeater requires two antennas (sold separately, see below). You can combine Omni and Yagi antennas to collect data from all directions and transmit in a single direction, or vice versa.

內部使用 TNC-RJ 接頭, 應視需要購買長度介於 50 至 90 公分的同軸饋線連接外部天線, 建議為 TNCRP-NP 型式, 請洽潤泰內部銷售人員.
特價: NT$15,000.00 (含 5% 營業稅)