通常氣象站的感應器 ISS 到主控台的距離約是:
90 至 300 公尺左右. 視環境因素而言大約是這樣的. 若主控台與 ISS 之間是完全無阻礙的環境, 而且也沒有任何干擾源, 一般最遠可達 300 公尺, 中度干擾源下的空曠環境下約還能維持 240 公尺. 若有牆面阻隔的室內外環境, 則約 120 公尺, 而大多數的環境也還會有 90 公尺左右.
一組氣象站設備, 最多容許 8 個轉發器, 設備已經設計成一網路架構, 它允許多個氣象站群在 8 個轉發器中獨立運作. 轉發器除了本款 AC-DC 供電的款式, 另有以 太陽能的款式 (7627) 可選用. 同時也另外有加強型的長距離款式 (7653, 7654) 可用, 但必需另外安裝收發用的高增益天線 (指向性 或 無指向性).
For longer distances or to improve reception in troublesome areas, add one or more Davis Instruments Wireless Repeaters. Range is up to 300m outdoors, line of sight. Typical range through walls under most conditions is 60m to 120m.
Use up to eight repeaters with a single wireless station, or form a network of weather stations by linking eight repeaters to eight different wireless stations.
AC-powered model includes power adapter. Solar-powered model includes solar panel, regulator circuit, and Rechargeable battery.
**Please note that the Davis Weather 7627 or 7626 are not compatible with the original Vantage Pro (Vantage Pro (1). They will only work with the Vantage Pro2 line of products.