RainLoger 是結合傾斗式雨量計與一個電力工作時間可長達一整年的電子記錄器的獨立型雨量記錄器, 計錄的方式可在下載到電腦時, 選擇以每日, 或每分鐘或只下載有雨量數值的事件記錄. 所附的軟體為 Windwos 作業系統, 除了可以用圖形方式呈現, 也能以文字方式呈現, 資料並可輸出到 Excel 中供進一步的分析或傳遞.

記錄器的界面為 RS-232, 以電池為動力, 並可自雨量筒中取出.The RainLog in combination with the Rainwise Rain Collector constitutes
a stand alone rainfall measuring and recording system.
The RainLog has a large, non-volatile memory that is capable of
recording one year of rainfall with a one minute resolution. A single
CR2447N lithium battery powers the unit and in most cases
will last one year. Data stored in memory will not be lost during a
battery change.
The RainLog continually monitors for rainfall events and at the
end of each minute stores the minute rainfall to non-volatile memory.
The RainLog makes efficient use of the available memory by
only storing information when an event has occurred.
特價: NT$14,600.00 (含 5% 營業稅)