PC Card 擴充背匣
Compaq 終極擴充背匣 
Part Number 216198-B21

H3630 有幾種己經存在的擴充背匣, CF 擴充背匣, PCMCIA Card  擴充背匣. 同一時間, 您只能使用一種擴充匣.. 這只新款的雙槽 PCMCIA 擴充背匣 Dual-Slot PC Card Expansion Pack 將使您的 H3630 具有同時使用兩種擴充卡的新功能, 您可以使用兩種 Type II 或是一個 Type III PC Card. 經由轉接卡, 它也可以使用於 CF 界面的設備. 您的 H3630 必需先升級到 Rev 1.69 或更新的版本才能使用這只擴充匣, 而中文版的 H3630 將沒有升級的問題. 升級的資訊可以 由此下載

的情況是以 GPS 導航應用中的電子地圖軟體為主的, 由於詳細的地圖檔案往往會超過 30 幾 MB. 因此 CF 儲存卡對我是必要的. 而我們也經常會使用到 CF 界面的 GPS 接收機, 沒有兩個插槽的話, 就必需將地圖資料分割部份來安裝在 Pocket PC 上. 不然, 就必需使用之前的連接線經由 Pocket PC 下方的 RS-232 來連接. 多餘的連接線有時會不方便. 另外, 我的無線電網路卡 X-300 應用在掌上型的電腦無疑是行動裝置最有價值的特點.這個擴充匣中所具備的獨立鋰電池也另網站卡及 GPS 設備有自己的電源供給, 不會因此減少 PDA 使用的時間. 另外, 由於工作上的需要, 我經常需要對考 CF 儲存卡. 之前最快的方法是買兩個 CF 讀卡機在 PC 上完成對拷, 或使用轉接卡由 NoteBook PCMCIA 槽對拷. 現在我則是直接經由轉接卡在 H3630 上對拷.

經常需要作簡報的人, 也許想使用 H3630 來連接投影機. 是的, PCMCIA Type II VGA 擴充卡正是因應這種需要而產生的. 但是, 簡報所需要的資料檔中, 通常少不了大量的影像檔案, 沒有額外的儲存卡, 想要靠 H3630 內部僅存的記憶體來玩是不夠的. 解析度更大的 PCMCIA VGA 卡或是需要更大的資料量傳輸的影像補卡, 就可能需要 Type III 的插槽, 目前; 即使是較大型的 H/PC 都可能沒有這種擴充的方案.

CYNET Complete Wireless Cell/Modem 提供了一款使用 Type III 界面的行動電話模組.


使用兩只 CF 記憶卡的情況下. 系統顯示第二片 CF 卡為 Slot2, 在中文版下也是如此, 而原來的第一片卡會顯示成儲存卡
只有第一片卡上的記憶會顯示於 Start/Settings/System tab/Memory/Storage Card tab/ 


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安裝了擴充槽後, 從上面的角度觀察, 兩個槽均有一防塵蓋. 另外一側為電池充電顯示 LED.  從下面角度觀察, 可以看到一獨立的充電孔
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比較三種擴充背匣, 左後方的是裝置了雙槽背匣的 H3630. 右後方的是裝置 CF 擴充背匣的. 前方的是單 PCMCIA 槽背匣 Here is the naked iPAQ looking like it is on a diet compared to big brother.
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Top view comparison of CF pack next to Dual-Slot pack  Side comparison of CF pack next to Dual-Slot pack
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Top view comparison of PC Card pack next to Dual-Slot pack  Side comparison of PC Card pack next to Dual-Slot pack
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Teletype PC Card GPS plus my Storage memory for holding all the maps! Imagine using your Sierra Wireless AirCard AND still use your Storage Card 
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Going with my Intel PRO/Wirless 2011 LAN PC Card and still using the Storage Card.

An Inside Look

OK who wants to see what the guts of this beast looks like? Well, you know me and I just couldn't stand wondering what this thing had inside its belly. Dismantling it is a piece of cake by simply removing a few screws and then popping off the protective back cover. This is typical of the high quality that one expects from Compaq. It is well made.

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The protective back cover is off and here you see the left side exposed. The ribbon cable from the two batteries come along the side to plug into the electronics board. Here is the bottom and as you can tell there is a large unused space here. Put in a cavity here and I could store my CF cards :-)
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 Closeup of the ejector buttons. This a shot of the electronics removed from the plastic sleeve.
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Two batteries. One dedicated per slot. I wonder if the intelligence now includes the ability for the second slot battery to power the first one if it sees it is low or even trickle charge it? That would be extra cool. These are just like the main one internal to the iPAQ. So now there is an additional 1900 mA (Two 950MaH) you are carrying around to provide up to 16 hours for 1 PC card and 8 hours for 2 PC Cards.  It does have the smart intelligence just like the original PC Card Expansion to allow these external batteries to trickle charge the main battery.
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The batteries which are connected to a metal plate are layed out flat here still connected by its ribbon cable to the underside of the electronics board. The batteries are mounted on this metal plate that allows them to be secured to the top side of the PCMCIA slots.