This basemap is present
in the GPSMAP 175, 180,
185, 215,
225, 230,
and 235
The Marine basemap
includes worldwide coverage of the continents down to a 64 nm range. The
standard map coverage for the Marine basemap includes:
- Oceans and rivers
- Lakes greater than
30 sq. miles
- Principal cities
with population greater than 20K
- Major interstates
and/or motorways and principal highways
- Political boundaries
(state and international border)
- United
States, including Alaska and Hawaii:
In addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
- Coverage down
to a 32 nm range
- Lakes greater
than 5 sq. miles, major streams and rivers
- National and
State level roads, plus some local roads in or near urban areas
- Western
Europe: In addition to the standard map coverage, it also
- Lakes greater
than 5 sq. miles, major streams and rivers
Specifications are
subject to change without notice.