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Home > Products > Marine > GPSMAP 180 > Specifications > Detail Marine Basemap
Detailed Marine Basemap


This basemap is present in the GPSMAP 175, 180, 185, 215, 225, 230, and 235

The Marine basemap includes worldwide coverage of the continents down to a 64 nm range. The standard map coverage for the Marine basemap includes:

  1. Oceans and rivers
  2. Lakes greater than 30 sq. miles
  3. Principal cities with population greater than 20K
  4. Major interstates and/or motorways and principal highways
  5. Political boundaries (state and international border)
  1. United States, including Alaska and Hawaii: In addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
    1. Coverage down to a 32 nm range
    2. Lakes greater than 5 sq. miles, major streams and rivers
    3. National and State level roads, plus some local roads in or near urban areas


  2. Western Europe: In addition to the standard map coverage, it also includes:
    1. Lakes greater than 5 sq. miles, major streams and rivers

Specifications are subject to change without notice.


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