為了更精確的回答您的問題, 我們已經規劃了一系列的互動式問答集, 為您針對特定的 GPS 機種一一解答. 您可以在本站任何的產品中提出您的問題, 系統會自動將您的問題經由電子郵件轉到所責的人員, 立即為您服務, 您的問題將會公佈在網站上, 而同時 您也會在第一時間收到回覆的信件.
例如: 我們最熱門的 GPS eTrex Legend T 為例;
您在每個產品列表中, 都可以看到如圖中淡黃色列. 其中點選 | 產品 Q & A 即可查閱或發表您對這項產品的問題.
If you were
unable to find the answer to your question in this listing, or
have suggestions for additional FAQ's, please feel free to
e-mail GARMIN's
Technical Support group.
We will try
to answer your e-mail inquiries as fast as possible. Please be
sure that you have the Reply To address correctly configured in
your e-mail software so that our response will reach you.