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將 SWR 與 功率表 (Wattmeter) 與 1,500W Dummy Load 假負載整合在一起的超方便設備. 背面具有一切換器可 ByPass 直通到天線.
有了 MFJ-267 這款 SWR 與 1.5KW 假負載整合在一起的好設備的, 無疑的, 將大幅的簡化平常設備功率所需的維護測試的工作了.
桌面淩亂的電纜線不但可以減少, 原本功率計與假負載, 天線切換器分離散亂一桌上的問題也得到解決, 特別是需要經常外測工作時, 不再丟三忘四了. 您可以簡單的連接受測設備到 MFJ-267, 立即配合 1.5KW 的 Dummy Load 測得設備的功率, 然後立即切換到天線口, 馬上得到天線調校的情況, 省去了不少時間與人力.
以往, 您需要反複的在設備與測量工具之間鎖上, 與解下電纜接頭的動作, 真的是少掉了好幾個步驟了.
1,500 W 的假負載!! 肯定足以應付所有您可能會工作時的功率, 同時提供您更長的工作所需時間, 不用等待因負載耐功率不足所造成的冷却等待時間, 而且保証耐用.
1.5 kW Dry Dummy Load has built-in precision, true peak-reading SWR/Wattmeter switchable to external antenna!
Worlds most versatile 1.5 kW dummy load has a built-in true peak reading SWR/Wattmeter that you can switch and use independently! Youll find tons of uses! Tune up your transceiver, linear amplifier, or antenna tuner into a safe 50 Ohm dummy load at full power. Then instantly switch to your antenna and monitor SWR, forward, and reflected power. Use for testing/tuning transmitters, transceivers, amplifiers, antenna tuners, baluns, transformers, filters, matching networks, coax, stubs, transmission lines, and antennas. The 50-Ohm dry dummy load works DC to 60 Mhz. SWR is below 1.3:1 at 30 MHz. Can handle 100 Watts for ten minutes or 1500 Watts for ten seconds. Comes with power derating curve. Extra-large three-inch lighted Cross-Needle Meter reads SWR (1:1 to 8:1), forward, and reflected power simultaneously. Reads true peak PEP or average power on 300/3000 Watts forward and 60/600 Watts reflected power ranges 1.8-54 MHz. High accuracy comes from a carefully designed directional coupler, an accurate active-peak reading circuit and a precision dArsonval meter movement. RF tight perforated aluminum cabinet. |