DAVIS : 6162  Vantage Pro2 PLUS 無線氣象站  
Davis Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus 專業型氣象站, 含 UV 紫外線太陽輻射感測器 

產品含一雨量計, UV ( 紫外線) 感測器, 太陽輻射 (日照計, 又稱 照度計) 感測器, 風向風量感測器, 溫濕度感測器, (室內溫濕度感測器與控制台合一)

Davis 6162 尚可擴充多組室外溫濕度感測器及其它感測器, 將一一於將來介紹. 您可以從左側的相關附件中找到一個附件清單及每個附件的詳細說明.

可搭配 WeatherLink 軟體升級網路出版的功能.

Davis 的氣象產品均為 National Institure of Standards and Technology (NIST) 美國標準局可追溯証明 (Traceable certiificate)

以 SilverLitht 寫成的氣象動機網頁範例
清境農場傳到 Weather Underground 的即時資訊
清境農場, 清境國民賓館, 青青草原 2010.10 月由潤泰架設的同款式氣象站官網

特別是 WeatherLink™ 6555-IP 界面裝置可以獨立將氣象資料上傳至網路上公佈, 無需特別架站
WeatherLink Logo

6555-IP 也同時支援 iPod, iPhone, iPad 與 Androi 等行動裝置上多站台即時氣象資料顯示, 下圖為全國高爾夫球場即時氣象範例:

Weather Underground PWS IMIAOLI4

First and only weather station in its class to use frequency hopping spread spectrum radio technology to transmit weather data wirelessly up to 1000′ (300 m).

Includes Vantage Pro2 console/receiver, integrated sensor suite (ISS), and mounting hardware. ISS includes rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors, anemometer, 40′ (12 m) anemometer cable, solar radiation sensor, UV sensor, sensor mounting shelf, and solar panel. Temperature and humidity sensors are enclosed in standard radiation shield.

ISS is solar powered. Electronic components are housed in a weather-resistant shelter. Console may be powered using the included AC-power adapter or with three C batteries (not included).

Wireless range is up to 1000′ (300 m) outdoors, line of sight. Typical range through walls under most conditions is 400′ to 500′ (120 to 150 m). Add wireless repeaters for greater distances.

Switches between metric and U.S. units of measure with the push of a button.

安裝在台北內湖全聯總部樓頂的 Davis 6162C 氣象站, 該站台連接 Modbus 界面供中控使用

特價: NT$49,900.00 (含 5% 營業稅)
當您選購上面的產品, 又同時訂購下列的附屬週邊設備. 我們提供您享有如下的特別優惠價格.
產品編號 產品描述 價格
使用電腦連接氣象設備, 可實現無限的應用及記錄的可能性, 經由這套 WeatherLink 來搭配您的 Vantage, Vantage Pro2 氣象站, 除了增加 PC, PLC 或是自製的小型 Pic 的連接能力之外, WeatherLink 的 data logger 也具有記錄儲存的能力, 即使 PC 在離線時也能暫存記錄,而 PC 也就是一個氣象主控站了. 原價: NT$11,800.00
特價: NT$9,975.00

For the ultimate in weather monitoring, add WeatherLink to your Vantage Pro. The WeatherLink data logger fits neatly into the Vantage Pro console, storing your weather data even when the computer is off. Transfer data to your PC whenever you like, then use the WeatherLink software to create graphs, generate summaries, and more. 原價: NT$11,800.00
特價: NT$9,975.00

WeatherLink-IP for Vantage Vue, Vantage Pro, Vantage Pro2, or Weather Envoy IP 界面記錄器及 Windows 版 (另有 Mac 版本), 支援網路連線並提供免費的 氣象 Web 伺服器帳號, 立即上線擁有專屬氣象資料站 (weather.com), 另有免費的 iPhone 及 Android App 可支援即時監看.  原價: NT$19,800.00
特價: NT$18,900.00

VP2GateWay-141 Modbus Gatewaye For Vantage Pro2 氣象站. 可擴充具有 RS-485 界面的連接界面 特價: NT$0.00