BIRD : MODEL 43N-01  Bird Mode 43N 瓦特錶(展示機)  

量測於同軸電纜中的前進及反射 CW 功率. 低 VSWR 及插入損失, 5% 內的誤差.
視所使用的元件(鳥蛋) (Elements) 而定所量測的功率及頻率. 主要的量測範圍從 2 至 2700MHz, 功率則由 1W 至 10kW (一萬瓦). Mode 43 接頭為 SO-239 (M型) 而 Mode 43N 為 Type-N 型接頭. 並且可另購各種不同的接頭型式替換.

Bird 專用的單元件: Elements
for Bird 43 series Watt meters
Measures both forward and reflected CW power in 50W coaxial transmission lines. Low VSWR and insertion loss, ± 5% of full scale accuracy. Plug-in elements provide a wide choice of frequency ranges from 2 to 2700 MHz and power levels from 1W to 10KW. Select one or more elements to suit your requirements. Comes with your choice of SO-239 or Type-N connectors. Other Quick Change connectors available. Size: 6 7/8”h x 5 1/2”w x 3 5/8”d; Weight: 4.5 lbs. (CC-3 case shown.)
特價: NT$14,000.00 (含 5% 營業稅)