SAN JOSE : SA-200  航海用GPS天線  

白色圓柱狀船用高增益 GPS 天線. 本款 GPS 天線的耐候性高, 是專為船隻及基地架設而設計. 圖片中為已架設於選購的 ANT-11 型 11公分長的不锈鋼固定座, 另有 30 公分長的同類固定座可選購.
GPS Marine Antenna with Low Noise Amplifier
SA-200 is designed for the Marine Vessels mast or tall buildings that require long extra cables (up to 50 meters) without signal constraint to the GPS receivers.

Overview SA-200 is the integration of the high performance GPS patch antenna and a state-of-the-art low noise amplifier into an extremely compact/fully waterproof enclosure and when connected to a GPS receiver with +5VDC antenna power it can provide excellent antenna signal amplification and out-band filtering with rejection for that receiver.

連接器為 TNC Female
SA-200 是一款專為海上船隻使用的接收增強的 GPS 防水耐候性室外天線. 它的電纜線可以加長至 50 - 100 公尺 (視電纜線規格而定).
特價: NT$4,200.00 (含 5% 營業稅)