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Trimble : 55000-80  Lassen DR+GPS Module, shielded  
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GPS 模組
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The Trimble® Lassen® DR+GPS combines dead reckoning (DR) with GPS to produce accurate and instantaneous positions, even under the most difficult conditions. For service providers tracking high-value or perishable cargo, Lassen DR+GPS dramatically improves quality of service (QoS) and customer satisfaction and retention, helping tracking service providers to maximize revenue opportunities.

現貨庫存!! 訂單接受後一個工作天可完成出貨. 指定宅配送隔日可以送達(全年無休). 使用郵寄則隔一或二日可以送達, 視收件地區而定. 遇例假日順延.
特價: NT$8,400.00 (含 5% 營業稅)

Dead reckoning (DR) estimates position based on heading and distance traveled since the last known position. The more accurate the speed, time and heading inputs, the more accurate the dead reckoning. This is where GPS helps. GPS continuously calibrates the gyro and speed sensors to produce optimal dead reckoning.

Lassen DR+GPS accepts inputs from an analog gyro, an odometer pulse and a forward/reverse indicator. Its sophisticated DR+GPS algorithm auto- calibrates these sensors and optimally blends the sensor inputs and GPS to produce accurate position and velocity outputs in the most hostile GPS environments.

Key Features

  • Instantaneous and accurate positions in deep urban canyons and dense forests.
  • Continuous position outputs in tunnels, parking garages and on lower bridge decks.
  • Reliable positioning for tracking high-value assets and for mapping RF field strength.
  • Improves QoS and customer satisfaction and retention to maximize service revenue.

Lassen DR+GPS Module

A PCB assembly suitable for integration in navigation, telematics and tracking systems. This module includes a sophisticated DR processor and requires external inputs from a gyro, speed pulse, reverse indicator, and ignition indicator (see picture above for module).

特價: NT$8,400.00 (含 5% 營業稅)
現貨庫存, 當日下午4點以前下單, 可立即出貨. 指定宅急便配送隔日可以送達(全年無休). 使用郵寄則隔一或二日可以送達, 視收件地區而定. 遇例假日順延.
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